Friday, December 19, 2014

Map of Rogbere

Here is the google maps view of Rogbere's approximate location.

Rogbere is located in the Western Area Rural District, of Sierra Leone, and is nine miles from the district headquarters and three miles off the Waterloo-Masaika Highway. Rogbere is a strategically located farm settlement, surrounded by ten villages in a three mile radius including: Faibaina, Magbagban, Masorie, Mafullah, Magbrofay, Maswaray, Makarifor, Gbonkor-Yalleh, Masifu, and Foya (the last appears on some maps.) Together with the surrounding villages, this village is blessed with an extensive piece of fertile, inland valley swamp. This swamp, which covers over 1,000 acres, is underutilized mainly due to the lack of needed farm tools and equipment such as tractors.

Formerly occupied by a Temne-speaking people and Fullahs, who raise cattle, Rogbere village is one example of the many others demolished during the Civil War (1991-2002). The village was burnt down in its entirety and the cattle were taken away. After the war, the displaced inhabitants resettled elsewhere.

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